2024 High Intensity Volleyball 2-Day Modified Level Clinic
Coaches: Scott Majka, Danielle Ouillette, and Aprille Burton
Dates: Monday & Tuesday, July 15 & 16
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (check-in at 8:45 am)
Place: Webster Schroeder High School
Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSmrIhzJ46bgZC5MYj- OjbMgQiCi3T4P5bTcgulS5cBpARDw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&pli=1
Spry girls grades 6-8, see your gym teacher for information on how to sign up for volleyball open gym sessions in May hosted by the Modified Coach.
Willink girls grades 6-8, there will be 3 Friday evening gym sessions available at the Webster Rec Center in May. We will be working on Modified level skills and drills. Registration is now open: https://nywebsterweb.myvscloud.com/webtrac/web/iteminfo.html?Module=AR&FMID=22017648&InterfaceParameter=WebTrac
There may be additional playing opportunities for middle school aged players depending on which school they attend. If you would like to make sure you are on the Modified Coach's contact list, please complete the following player census: